We are a bit late to the game on this one but we need to figure out how to update shit. This guide looks pretty slick for portainer but I need to do some research to figure out what the GitOps way is.

Well, the git ops way is just with a bot that updates the repo!

Which Bot?

So far I have found two options that look good. Renovate and Dependabot, though I think both can also work. This guide has a really in depth comparison of the two bots. Renovate having a dashboard is a huge plus for me. Dependabot has a bunch of venerability checks that may be valuable.


Some renovate stuff:

  1. If you use regex you need https://github.com/joryirving/home-ops/blob/main/.github/renovate/customManagers.json5


GitHub’s Dependabot seems to be able to update the versions for you which is documented here. I seem to see a lot of this going on.

The starter guide is here.