In my attempts to come up with a backup-strategy I came across a tutorial for running velero that looked great. However, I didn’t quite realize the dependencies this required that were basically conforming you to how one guy decided to set up his homelab. He used a tool called flux which I found perfect for my needs but modified their official patterns to fix his needs in this funky tutorial.
This will be the front page of building out my cluster using the patterns I’ve now adopted from funky penguin. He clearly knows a lot more than you and I so it’ll be fine. Plus all
Seems Half Baked
A lot like these notes the author of this site has moved on to another project. He seemed to have started with docker swarm and later switched to k8s. This premix repo has a handful of both but mostly compose files. But, for example, the unifi folder has both. This may be useful later on but I hope to eventually be able to funky flux anything on my own.
Some Useful Commands
flux logs
flux get kustomizations --watch
flux reconcile source git flux-system
flux reconcile helmrelease -n <namespace> <name of helmrelease>
flux reconcile kustomization <name of kustomization>
The Funk Master’s Charts
I found funkypenguin’s charts here which were suprisingly not referenced or used in any cookbooks on that site making me wonder what is up next. A lot of things I’m looking for already exist here! Some seem to come from k8s at home which is unfortunately archived.