external-dns will let me manage DNS entries in Cloudflare via my flux repo which sounds most excellent. I assume later one we will add ingress to reverse proxy these like we are doing with NPM on unRAID right now.

Adding to Flux-Repo

I am going to follow the funky cookbook pretty closely for this so expect a lot of copy pasta.

I took the chart from here which was sha 773fcd7b74b7231483b12f25c65a291a52cc2e9c from 8/6/2024

One call out is we are putting it in a mode where all DNS entries will be defined in CRD but we could let services or other things add them later:

          - crd
          # - service
          # - ingress
          # - contour-httpproxy

Now the annoying sealed secret:

  kubectl create secret generic cloudflare-api-token \
  --namespace external-dns \
  --dry-run=client \
  --from-literal=cloudflare_api_token=REDACTED -o json \
  | kubeseal --controller-name=sealed-secrets --controller-namespace=sealed-secrets --cert pub-cert.pem \
  > sealedsecret-cloudflare-api-token.yaml

And off to the races:

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   bootstrap/helmrepositories/helmrepository-bitnami.yaml
        new file:   bootstrap/kustomizations/kustomization-external-dns.yaml
        new file:   bootstrap/namespaces/namespace-external-dns.yaml
        new file:   external-dns/helmrelease-external-dns.yaml
        new file:   external-dns/sealedsecret-cloudflare-api-token.yaml

Helm did not like the chart version:

2024-08-08T00:51:16.939Z error HelmChart/external-dns-external-dns.flux-system - reconciliation stalled invalid chart reference: failed to get chart version for remote reference: no 'external-dns' chart with version matching '5.1.x' found

New version, 8.3.x worked, but it didn’t like this:

  Warning  InstallFailed        49s   helm-controller  Helm install failed for release external-dns/external-dns with chart [email protected]: 1 error occurred:
           * CustomResourceDefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "dnsendpoints.externaldns.k8s.io" is invalid: metadata.annotations[api-approved.kubernetes.io]: Required value: protected groups must have approval annotation "api-approved.kubernetes.io", see https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/pull/1111

And this is a real issue with external-dns. See here for the guy asking for the release to be cut since the fix is there already! Next I tried 7.3.2 and it’s much better:

thaynes@kubevip:~/workspace/external-dns$ helm list -a -n external-dns
NAME        	NAMESPACE   	REVISION	UPDATED                                	STATUS  	CHART             	APP VERSION
external-dns	external-dns	2       	2024-08-08 01:13:21.507616746 +0000 UTC	deployed	external-dns-7.3.2	0.14.1     
thaynes@kubevip:~/workspace/external-dns$ flux get kustomizations external-dns
NAME        	REVISION          	SUSPENDED	READY	MESSAGE                              
external-dns	main@sha1:3a10b46a	False    	True 	Applied revision: main@sha1:3a10b46a	
thaynes@kubevip:~/workspace/external-dns$ flux get helmreleases -n external-dns external-dns
NAME        	REVISION	SUSPENDED	READY	MESSAGE                                                                                       
external-dns	7.3.2   	False    	True 	Helm upgrade succeeded for release external-dns/external-dns.v2 with chart [email protected]	
thaynes@kubevip:~/workspace/external-dns$ kubectl get pods -n external-dns -l app.kubernetes.io/name=external-dns
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
external-dns-6979678bd9-4ppck   1/1     Running   0          3m20s

All systems nominal!

But Wait - It’s Fucked

external-dns now crashes because it sees the entry it added. This was reported, fixed, and good to go in the version I can’t use because of the helm chart angst so I will have to do some critical thinking.

Deleting the records in cloudflare and letting it sync fixed that.

Moving away from CRDs

Before I can do the UniFi stuff I need to move to adding entries based on the ingres class. Classes traefik-external and traefik-internal will tell which of the two needs to create the entry. This doc explains how adding an annotation like external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target: traefik.example.com to the IngressRoute is all I’ll need after this.

Other than the annotation I’ll need to figure out how to how to configure the helm charts to use source=traefik-proxy and only look at one of the other ingress class.

BLOCKED The ExtraArgs for this chart won’t let me pass what I need

I was able to work around it like this:


But it didn’t quite work. It added what I excluded and only in www form so none of it worked.

Use Official External DNS Chart

Maybe time for a new chart cause this back in time nonsense is exhausting. There is an official chart to try.

Just needs an updated helm release and repo.

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2
kind: HelmRelease
  name: external-dns-cloudflare
  namespace: external-dns
  interval: 30m
      chart: external-dns # https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns/blob/master/charts/external-dns/values.yaml
      version: 1.14.5
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: external-dns
        namespace: flux-system
    crds: CreateReplace
      retries: 3
    cleanupOnFail: true
    crds: CreateReplace
      strategy: rollback
      retries: 3
      name: cloudflare
      - name: CF_API_TOKEN
            name: cloudflare-api-token
            key: cloudflare_api_token
      - --cloudflare-proxied
      - --traefik-disable-legacy
    logLevel: debug
    policy: sync
    sources: ["crd", "traefik-proxy"]
    domainFilters: ["example.com"]

Note I did not add:

      enabled: true

Or --ignore-ingress-tls-spec from the example but these may be worth looking into. The rest didn’t seem needed, something was crashing my shit though not sure what I removed to fix it.

Delete CRD And Use IngressRoute Annotation

After some confusion I found the following annotation would be sufficient to replace the CRD for external DNS entries:

    external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target: example.com

During the triage I came to realize that I should run a second instance of traefik exclusively for local routes, segregated from the external instance. This would let me annotate each IngressRoute with a different class kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik-external and each instance would be configured with the class it uses via ingressClass: traefik-external see this sha as I removed it.

Unifi Webhook

TODO https://github.com/kashalls/external-dns-unifi-webhook but first I gotta fix the shit hole of the other one

Here is an example of how somebody got this up and running with flux already!

The chart at https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/external-dns/ will work for this and the external-dns namespace will be used.


Username: user Password: REDACTED

kubectl create secret generic external-dns-unifi-secret \
--namespace external-dns \
--dry-run=client \
--from-literal username="user" \
--from-literal password="REDACTED" \
-o yaml > external-dns-unifi-secret.yaml
cat external-dns-unifi-secret.yaml | kubeseal --controller-name=sealed-secrets --controller-namespace=sealed-secrets --cert pub-cert.pem --format yaml > sealedsecret-external-dns-unifi-secret.yaml
apiVersion: bitnami.com/v1alpha1
kind: SealedSecret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: external-dns-unifi-secret
  namespace: external-dns
    password: REDACTED
    username: REDACTED
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: external-dns-unifi-secret
      namespace: external-dns


I am going to start here and work it into something I can use.


apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2
kind: HelmRelease
  name: external-dns-unifi
  namespace: external-dns
  interval: 30m
      chart: external-dns
      version: 1.14.5 # https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns/blob/master/charts/external-dns/values.yaml
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: external-dns
        namespace: flux-system
      retries: 3
    cleanupOnFail: true
      strategy: rollback
      retries: 3
    fullnameOverride: external-dns-unifi
    logLevel: debug
      name: webhook
          repository: ghcr.io/kashalls/external-dns-unifi-webhook
          tag: v0.2.2
          - name: UNIFI_HOST
          - name: UNIFI_USER
                name: external-dns-unifi-secret
                key: username
          - name: UNIFI_PASS
                name: external-dns-unifi-secret
                key: password
          - name: LOG_LEVEL
            value: "debug"
            path: /healthz
            port: http-wh-metrics
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 5
            path: /readyz
            port: http-wh-metrics
          initialDelaySeconds: 10
          timeoutSeconds: 5
      - --traefik-disable-legacy
      - --ingress-class=traefik-internal
    policy: sync
    sources: ["crd", "traefik-proxy"]

Test Unifi External DNS!

Hopefully a slam dunk. The person who made this webhook thanked me on discord for starting the repo so at least I know who to ask for help.

Had a false start due to a missing namespace: external-dns in the HelmRelease.

Well, it worked. It generated endpoints for all the external stuff… Sifting through the config it loaded I so see IngressClassNames:[traefik-internal]/

time="2024-09-02T02:37:56Z" level=info msg="config: {APIServerURL: KubeConfig: RequestTimeout:30s DefaultTargets:[] GlooNamespaces:[gloo-system] SkipperRouteGroupVersion:zalando.org/v1 Sources:[crd traefik-proxy] Namespace: AnnotationFilter: LabelFilter: IngressClassNames:[traefik-internal] FQDNTemplate: CombineFQDNAndAnnotation:false IgnoreHostnameAnnotation:false IgnoreIngressTLSSpec:false IgnoreIngressRulesSpec:false GatewayNamespace: GatewayLabelFilter: Compatibility: PublishInternal:false PublishHostIP:false AlwaysPublishNotReadyAddresses:false ConnectorSourceServer:localhost:8080 Provider:webhook GoogleProject: GoogleBatchChangeSize:1000 GoogleBatchChangeInterval:1s GoogleZoneVisibility: DomainFilter:[] ExcludeDomains:[] RegexDomainFilter: RegexDomainExclusion: ZoneNameFilter:[] ZoneIDFilter:[] TargetNetFilter:[] ExcludeTargetNets:[] AlibabaCloudConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/alibaba-cloud.json AlibabaCloudZoneType: AWSZoneType: AWSZoneTagFilter:[] AWSAssumeRole: AWSAssumeRoleExternalID: AWSBatchChangeSize:1000 AWSBatchChangeSizeBytes:32000 AWSBatchChangeSizeValues:1000 AWSBatchChangeInterval:1s AWSEvaluateTargetHealth:true AWSAPIRetries:3 AWSPreferCNAME:false AWSZoneCacheDuration:0s AWSSDServiceCleanup:false AWSZoneMatchParent:false AWSDynamoDBRegion: AWSDynamoDBTable:external-dns AzureConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/azure.json AzureResourceGroup: AzureSubscriptionID: AzureUserAssignedIdentityClientID: AzureActiveDirectoryAuthorityHost: BluecatDNSConfiguration: BluecatConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/bluecat.json BluecatDNSView: BluecatGatewayHost: BluecatRootZone: BluecatDNSServerName: BluecatDNSDeployType:no-deploy BluecatSkipTLSVerify:false CloudflareProxied:false CloudflareDNSRecordsPerPage:100 CoreDNSPrefix:/skydns/ RcodezeroTXTEncrypt:false AkamaiServiceConsumerDomain: AkamaiClientToken: AkamaiClientSecret: AkamaiAccessToken: AkamaiEdgercPath: AkamaiEdgercSection: InfobloxGridHost: InfobloxWapiPort:443 InfobloxWapiUsername:admin InfobloxWapiPassword: InfobloxWapiVersion:2.3.1 InfobloxSSLVerify:true InfobloxView: InfobloxMaxResults:0 InfobloxFQDNRegEx: InfobloxNameRegEx: InfobloxCreatePTR:false InfobloxCacheDuration:0 DynCustomerName: DynUsername: DynPassword: DynMinTTLSeconds:0 OCIConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/oci.yaml OCICompartmentOCID: OCIAuthInstancePrincipal:false OCIZoneScope:GLOBAL OCIZoneCacheDuration:0s InMemoryZones:[] OVHEndpoint:ovh-eu OVHApiRateLimit:20 PDNSServer:http://localhost:8081 PDNSAPIKey: PDNSSkipTLSVerify:false TLSCA: TLSClientCert: TLSClientCertKey: Policy:sync Registry:txt TXTOwnerID:default TXTPrefix: TXTSuffix: TXTEncryptEnabled:false TXTEncryptAESKey: Interval:1m0s MinEventSyncInterval:5s Once:false DryRun:false UpdateEvents:false LogFormat:text MetricsAddress::7979 LogLevel:debug TXTCacheInterval:0s TXTWildcardReplacement: ExoscaleEndpoint: ExoscaleAPIKey: ExoscaleAPISecret: ExoscaleAPIEnvironment:api ExoscaleAPIZone:ch-gva-2 CRDSourceAPIVersion:externaldns.k8s.io/v1alpha1 CRDSourceKind:DNSEndpoint ServiceTypeFilter:[] CFAPIEndpoint: CFUsername: CFPassword: ResolveServiceLoadBalancerHostname:false RFC2136Host: RFC2136Port:0 RFC2136Zone:[] RFC2136Insecure:false RFC2136GSSTSIG:false RFC2136KerberosRealm: RFC2136KerberosUsername: RFC2136KerberosPassword: RFC2136TSIGKeyName: RFC2136TSIGSecret: RFC2136TSIGSecretAlg: RFC2136TAXFR:false RFC2136MinTTL:0s RFC2136BatchChangeSize:50 RFC2136UseTLS:false RFC2136SkipTLSVerify:false NS1Endpoint: NS1IgnoreSSL:false NS1MinTTLSeconds:0 TransIPAccountName: TransIPPrivateKeyFile: DigitalOceanAPIPageSize:50 ManagedDNSRecordTypes:[A AAAA CNAME] ExcludeDNSRecordTypes:[] GoDaddyAPIKey: GoDaddySecretKey: GoDaddyTTL:0 GoDaddyOTE:false OCPRouterName: IBMCloudProxied:false IBMCloudConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/ibmcloud.json TencentCloudConfigFile:/etc/kubernetes/tencent-cloud.json TencentCloudZoneType: PiholeServer: PiholePassword: PiholeTLSInsecureSkipVerify:false PluralCluster: PluralProvider: WebhookProviderURL:http://localhost:8888 WebhookProviderReadTimeout:5s WebhookProviderWriteTimeout:10s WebhookServer:false TraefikDisableLegacy:true TraefikDisableNew:false}"

And this filter works for Traefik as it’s how each instance picks up what IngressRoute it owns. However, I’m going to take the easy way out on this and just excludeDomains: ["example.com"].

I need new certs!!!

I have another domain that that I use just for these notes so I’ll see if I can use that for certs and then filter the external on the domain I use for self hosting and internal to that which won’t have any entries in cloudflare. I also picked up haynesops.com while I was in there which I think I’ll use for a public facing site so the notes can continue to bear the entire truth of my endevor.

NOTE Add a github pages site for haynesops easily with this.

Now that certificate-examplelab and certificate-examplelab-staging were issued I need to use that in my local IngressRoutes with that domain. I also need to update Authentik’s Auth Proxy Internal outpost to sue this secret (which may not matter).

IngressRoute Test

I added one DNS entry which will point to traefik:


I can then target this in the annotations and it should all work if the domain in the cert matches the host:

apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRoute
  name: sonarr
  namespace: traefik
    external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target: traefik.internal
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik-internal
    - websecure
    - kind: Rule
      match: Host(`sonarr.examplelab.net`) && PathPrefix(`/`)
        - kind: Service
          name: sonarr
          namespace: media-management
          port: 8989
        - name: authentik-internal-auth-proxy
          namespace: traefik 
    secretName: certificate-examplelab

And we are good for sonarr! However, traefik.internal.examplelab.net did not work, I assume because I did not have a wildcard cert for this far out like I did *.local.example.com.